Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dry Mouth

dryHave you ever had ‘cotton mouth’? Everyone occasionally has a dry, sticky feeling in their mouth because of heat or a reaction to food but when your mouth is chronically dry, it’s a serious problem. When you notice a dry mouth, it’s a condition called xerostomia (zero-stow-me-uh) and may be only noticeable after you’ve lost about 60% of your saliva.
Xerostomia refers to a sensation of a dry mouth and can be caused by many different factors including over 400 different medications. A constantly dry mouth isn’t just annoying but makes it difficult to speak, chew and swallow foods and prevents you from maintaining proper nutrition.
Without that protective saliva, your mouth becomes a bacteria playground. If left untreated, xerostomia can result in tooth decay and gum disease, painful oral ulcers or a rampant yeast infection.
There are a few things that you can do to treat the symptoms of xerostomia. There are over-the-counter and prescription products and saliva substitutes that may help alleviate symptoms. They are available in sprays, toothpaste, lozenges, gels, chewing gum and liquids.
Another way is to avoid the things that cause dry mouth. Dental products that contain drying ingredients like alcohol or sodium laurel sulfate can exacerbate the existing problem. Other steps include stopping smoking and the drinking alcoholic beverages, consulting your physician about changing medications as well as reducing stress and anxiety.
If you are experiencing chronic dry-mouth, it is also important to have more frequent dental check-ups so that we can closely monitor the condition. If you are concerned about xerostomia, call and make an appointment, and bring a current list of medications with you to your check-up.