Friday, April 9, 2010

Part 5: Food- Friend or Foe?

Recent research has shown that dietary distress can be a significant factor contributing to dental problems. We have known for many years the role that diet has played in dental decay.  Americans consumption of Sugar is now nearing 160 pounds per person per year!  Only recently has the role of nutrition been implicated as a part of the cause of periodontal disease (pyhorrea) and tempromandibular (jaw) joint disorders.

It is felt that there are two forms of dietary distress we can get ourselves into:
1.  The first is improper consumption of fuel.  There are four items that seem to be the most frequent offenders- chocolate, refined sugars, coffee and foods with chemical additives.  Along with this group, we must place those foods which people are allergic to- knowingly or unknowingly.  Some of the most common of these are corn, wheat, homogenized milk and red meats.
2.  The second form of dietary distress is insufficiency in our diets- foods we should be eating but don't.  these would be fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and green salads.

Next time - a challenge.

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