Thursday, April 29, 2010

Part 11: Shoot for the Center

Now, back to the fuel we run our machine on. Contrary to what most Americans have been led to believe by dentists and others - carbohydrates are not all bad. The refined ones - sugar and white flour are not good for us, but the complex carbohydrates like whole grain and other roughages are excellent and we should be eating more of these.

What we should really be cutting down on is our fat intake. Fat is left as fat by our bodies until it is needed for energy. Below is a table showing how our diet has changed over the years and what it should be.

Percentage of Daily Calories       
                        1900         1970        2000         Recom.
Protein             10-12 %    12-14 %     33%         12%

Fat                     30%           44 %        52 %        23 %

Carbohydrates   60%          44%          23%         65%

How does this all tie in with exercise? Well here's the answer. Glucose (carbohydrates) are metabolized as quick energy by enzymes requiring little oxygen in the first stage. All the enzymes used in fat breakdown need a lot of oxygen. Anaerobic (stop and go) exercise, therefore, effectively shuts off all fat burning and forces the muscles to use glucose exclusively.

The aerobic exercise not only allows you to burn fat while exercising but also stimulates DNA synthesis of more of the fat burning enzymes. You are able to grab more oxygen from the blood better and use fats at a higher exercise intensities as these enzymes proliferate.

So the Secret to wellness is to avoid refined carbohydrates and fats and do aerobic exercise for a minimum of 12 minutes six days a week! It sounds easy but requires determination and commitment.

Covert Bailey's Target Diet book would be a great help in eating the right foods. As a quick summary, think of a target with four rings. Now divide the target into four pie shaped sections, one for each of the four food groups. Now let's put some examples of foods in each circle.

Food Group        Center Ring                Next Ring
    Milk                 Skim Milk               Low Fat Milk
   Grains        Whole Grain Bread         Bran Muffin
   Meats                 Beans                        Fish
  Veg/Fruit         Fresh Veg              Fresh Fruit                                                                                                                          

 Food Group        Next Ring                 Outer Ring
    Milk                Whole Milk                Ice Cream
   Grains                  Granola              Snack Crackers
   Meats            Ground Round              Sausage
 Veg/Fruit              Potatoes                French Fries           

Aim for the Center Ring!

Next time: Helping Your Baby to it's Prettiest Smile

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Part 10: Maximize Exercise

Here is a list of aerobic exercises and the duration they must be performed to be effective.

Required Minimum Time 12 Minutes

Required Minimum Time 15 Minutes

  • Jogging
  • Running
  • Cross-Country Skiing
  • Rowing
  • Dancing
Required Minimum Time 20 Minutes

The best way to monitor your exercise is by taking your pulse rate.  Take your pulse by laying your fingers on the side of your neck in front of the large muscle (SCM).  Take it for only 6 seconds and multiply it by 10 (add a zero to the number).  Don't take it for 10 or 15 seconds and multiply by 6 or 4.  By then your pulse has started to slow down and makes the figure too low.

You can figure your recommended exercise pulse rate by subtracting your age from 220 and then multipling by .8. Ex.  220 - 40 = 180 x .8 = 144.  This is based on resting heart rates of 72 for males and 80 for females.  Athletes can use a .85 multiplier, people with a heart history should use a .75 multiplier.  Men over forty and people with any heart problem should talk with their physician and have a stress electrocardiogram before starting an exercise program.


Aerobic Exercise

  • Steady, Non-Stop
  • Duration - 12 to 20 Minutes
  • Intensity - 80% of maximum heart rate
Fitness is LOST if you exercise 2 days a week.

Fitness is MAINTAINED if you exercise three days a week.

Fitness is IMPROVED if you exercise six days a week.

Next time:  Covert Bailey's Target Diet

Monday, April 19, 2010

Part 9: Burn Butter

So the problem, as most overfat people (which is what we should focus on rather than overweight) already know, is not losing weight.  The problem is gaining weight.  They now must tackle the real problem... how to change the body chemistry so they won't have such a tendency to make fat out of the foods they eat.  How to avoid getting fat all over again.

The ultimate cure for obesity is exercise!  Exercise increases muscle, tones it, alters the body chemistry and increases its metabolic rate.  It makes you a better butter burner.  The most efficient exercise for this purpose is called aerobics (Dr. Ken Cooper).  Briefly, aerobic exercise means steady exercise: exercise that demands an uninterupted output from your muscles over a minimum 12 minute period.  It has been shown in many exercise physiology laboratories that a steady continous exercise repeated every day reverses more quickly the syndrome of muscles turning to fat than any other kind.

The main criterion for aerobic exercise is that it be continuous and steady.  Stop and go exercises just don't do the same thing.  Here is a list of endurance exercises (Aerobic) and stop and go exercises (Non-aerobic).


  •   Running/Jogging
  •  Cross-Country Sking
  •  Jumping Rope
  •   Running in Place
  •   Cycling Outdoors
  •   Stationary Bicycle
  •   Rowing


  Stop and Go

  •     Tennis
  •     Downhill Sking
  •     Football
  •     Calisthenics
  •     Handball
  •     Racquetball

  Short Duration

  •     Weight Lifting
  •     Sprinting
  •     Isometrics
  •     Square Dancing

  Low Intensity

  •     Golf
  •     Canasta

Next time - How long for it to work?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Part 8: A Prescription for Wellness

The Oral Cavity is not a seperate entity, existing in a vacuum.  It is a part of a total being.  What is good for one part of that being is good for the rest.  Wellness from a dental standpoint must include wellness of the whole person.  The following articles are a synopsis of the combined role of nutrition and exercise as it relates to human wellness.

The adage "You are what you eat" only tells part of the story.  The other part of the story is how efficient is your body at burning the fuel you feed it?  Biochemistry shows us that the better physical shape we are in, the more efficient we utilize the foods we eat.  No wonder the sedentary lifestyle Americans lead  makes the majority of us overweight.

As we abuse ourselves with over eating and under exercising, the muscles in our bodies atrophy.  Your weight may stay the same but the muscle loss is replaced with fat tissue.  Muscle weighs more than fat.  So the first place we get fat is in our muscles.  The "love handles" come later.  Lack of exercise changes our body chemistry so that we tend to favor building up even more fat.

I wish to acknowledge two giants in this field whom I have had the privilege to meet and learn from.
Both are authors of books on the subject I heartly recommend.

 1. Covert Bailey

 2.Dr. Ken Cooper

Next time - what works

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Part 7: The Basic Diet Experiment

A couple of "basic" rules for this diet experiment: IF IT COMES IN A BOX OR A CAN - DON'T EAT IT!  And, IF A MACHINE GOT TO IT BEFORE YOU DID, DON'T EAT MACHINE LEFTOVERS!  (THE MACHINE USUALLY GETS THE GOOD STUFF).  READ LABELS on everything you take home.

And now, the diet itself..


Please increase the amount of FRESH FRUITS and FRESH VEGETABLES you eat.  Try to have at least one fresh vegetable and one fresh fruit each day.  Although unsweetened, frozen products are generally acceptable, they should be consumed in addition to the fresh fruits recommended.  Please try to avoid canned vegetables and canned fruits since these are processed and may have large anounts of refined sugars or corn sweetners in them - which may aggravate your dental problems.

In addition, please increase your consumption of green salads.  Have at least one salad every three days, although you may eat salads as often as you wish in most circumstances.

If possible, use Olive Oil and apple cider dressings rather than commercially prepared dressings which may also contain large amounts of sweeteners.  You may also use sunflower seed oil.  Please avoid corn oil because of the possibility of minor allergies related to corn products.  You may also use lemon juice as a form of salad dressing if you wish.

Finally, increase your intake of fish, seafood, chicken and turkey - as well as water and UNsweetened fruit and vegetable juices such as tomato, orange,V8, pinapple and grapefruit(unless your medication directions say otherwise).


You are ask to TOTALLY AVOID the following foods so that you may scientifically evaluate the impact of dietary distress on your individual dental problems:

   1. Refined sugars
   2. Processed carbohydrates
   3. Artificial sweetners
   4. All forms of coffee
   5. All forms of colas
   6. White flour products
   7. All types of alcohol

You may use occasional tea, and Pero or Postum as coffee substitutes.  For a sweetner, you may use up to two tablespoons of unprossed honey daily - be sure to read the label to make sure that no refined sugar was added.  The new sweetner Xylitol (available on the internet) is also acceptable.

After the initial experimental peroid, you may have an occasional glass of Wine if you wsh an alcoholic beverage.

Be sure to read the labels of all foods you wish to prepare for your meals.  You will be amazed at how often sugars have been added to processed products (not to mention sodium).  In general, if sugar is greater than the FIFTH most common ingredient on the label, please try to avoid that food.  And, please note that processed, refined sugars are our biggest concern - not complex carbohydrates such as those found in potatoes and other vegetables; nor complex sugars such as those found in fruits.

Although this is an "eat as much as you want of the good things" diet, here are some hints on recommended daily amounts:  MILK GROUP: Children - 3 cups; Adults - 2 cups; Teenagers, Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers - 4 cups.  MEAT GROUP: 2 servings.  FRUIT and VEGETABLES GROUP: 4 or more servings.  GRAIN GROUP: 4 or more servings.

How long?  I usually recommend 10 days for most patients to gain the full benefit of the experiment.  If you're feeling full of energy and have lost the weight ( nature's way of diluting the toxins with water) after a week, then proceed to slowly add foods back into your diet as mentioned in the prior article.

Next time: A prescription for wellness

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Part 6: The Challenge

If you are having problems with cavities, or your gums, or grinding your teeth, or your jaw joint and want an inexpensive test and possible cure - here's a challenge.  It's call the "Basic Diet Experiment".  Dentistry has arrived to the point where dental disease is OPTIONAL.  That is to say "You can have it, if you want it".  With what we now know, we can PREVENT dental disease.  One of the tools we are using is nutrition (the Substrate Circle).

A few precautions for those who take up the challenge.  What can you expect?  If diet is NOT part of your dental problem or a general health problem, you will only experience a brief interruption in your normal eating habits.  If, however diet IS a part of the problem, your body is initially not going to like what your going to make it do.

Similar to the person who is addicted to drugs, alcohol or tobacco - your body will go through two phases.
1.  The first of these is similar to withdrawl, but not as severe.  You will become irritable, have increased headaches, and crave that which you are sensitive to.  These symptoms will be relieved by eating the problem substance, but - NO CHEATING!
2.  The second phase will result in a weight loss.  Losing 10 pounds is not unusual.  You'll notice a gain, in terms of excess energy.  That's when you'll know you've kicked the habit!

 Take note:  As I mentioned before, it is extremely important not to cheat during the experimental period.  One weak moment will take you back to the starting point.  I know that in some cases, it's very hard not to cheat - but those are usually the cases where help is needed most.

After the experimental period, you are strongly recommended to maintain at least 80-90% reduction of the foods you've decreased.  I have some additional guidelines for that time.  When you start adding foods back into your diet - do so slowly.  If the symptoms return, drop back a few foods and try it again.  If the symptoms occur a second time, then you know THAT is the food which contains something you can no longer tolerate.

Next time: the Basic Diet Experiment.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Part 5: Food- Friend or Foe?

Recent research has shown that dietary distress can be a significant factor contributing to dental problems. We have known for many years the role that diet has played in dental decay.  Americans consumption of Sugar is now nearing 160 pounds per person per year!  Only recently has the role of nutrition been implicated as a part of the cause of periodontal disease (pyhorrea) and tempromandibular (jaw) joint disorders.

It is felt that there are two forms of dietary distress we can get ourselves into:
1.  The first is improper consumption of fuel.  There are four items that seem to be the most frequent offenders- chocolate, refined sugars, coffee and foods with chemical additives.  Along with this group, we must place those foods which people are allergic to- knowingly or unknowingly.  Some of the most common of these are corn, wheat, homogenized milk and red meats.
2.  The second form of dietary distress is insufficiency in our diets- foods we should be eating but don't.  these would be fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and green salads.

Next time - a challenge.