Thursday, February 16, 2012

Candy Hearts

Did you know that one of the first areas affected by diabetes is your mouth? “But I’m not diabetic,” you think but ….are you sure? The American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that approximately 7.0 million Americans are diabetic but undiagnosed and that 79 million more are in a ‘pre-diabetic’ state.
Diabetes is a growing problem in America. According to the ADA*, 25.8 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes and 1.9 million more were added last year.
Poor blood glucose makes your gums vulnerable to attack by the millions of bacteria currently inhabiting your mouth. Oral symptoms of diabetes include dry mouth, inflammation and poor healing. This infestation can start you on a path toward gingivitis and periodontitis as well as a whole host of systemic health problems including kidney disease and stroke and low birth weight babies.
One way to keep an eye on your blood glucose levels is to have your dentist test you during your twice yearly oral examination. By making this a part of your regular cleaning, you can address current dental concerns while preventing potential future threats. Like an x-ray looks for decay, a simple blood test can be helpful in spotting those first signs of diabetes and pre-diabetes before they wreak havoc on your system.
Ask us today about adding a simple blood glucose screening to your regularly scheduled checkup. *Data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released January 26, 2011)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

After Labor Day Whites

After Labor Day Whites
Wear white after Labor Day? Of course! Especially when it comes to your smile. A beautiful white smile can give you confidence and make you more apt to smile. Increase your ‘face value’ with a clinical tooth whitening treatment.
Having a beautiful white smile doesn’t happen on its own. So many factors, including healthy juices and berries, wines and some medications, can stain and darken your teeth. Some not-so-healthy factors such as smoking and using other tobacco products can also make teeth yellow and dingy. Unfortunately, those stains don’t go away when you quit smoking or switch to apple juice. Once those stains creep in, you’ll need a little help to get rid of them.
There are plenty of over-the-counter whitening treatments that can help you brighten your teeth marginally but for serious whitening, we recommend an in-patient whitening. With whitening toothpastes we very little if any improvement.
We find that custom fitted trays with higher concentration solution than over the counter work great.  An even higher-concentration whitening can also be done in the office, usually in less than an hour. With proper care and avoidance of staining agents, an in-office dental whitening can be easy, inexpensive and long-lasting.
Still have questions about dental whitening? Call us today and we can discuss your options for a brighter smile.